
Welcome to's glossary, which includes key terms you need to know.

Templates/Message templates

Messages templates, are pre approved and reusable messages formats used by businesses to initiate conversations through the WhatsApp Business API.


Variables are customizable fields within the templates that can be filled in as needed. They allow the insertion of specific information for each contact, making messages more personalized.

Quick Answers

Quick replies are shortcuts to messages sent via snap. These can be text buttons or Call to Action (URL). They provide simple interaction options so the contact can respond or take quick action.


The acronym CTA refers to Call to Action, which aims to encourage an immediate response or directing to a URL through basic click interactions. These are elements that invite the contact to perform a specific action.


Campaigns in HubSpot are groups of marketing assets and content related to a certain marketing strategy, they are generated via workflow directly in HubSpot. In, it is possible to check the performance of mass triggers through the metrics of sent, read and answered messages associated with each campaign.

Conversation Start

Starting a conversation can be active or receptive:

  • Active: The active start happens when the conversation is initiated by the attendant, either by sending a template or through workflows with mass triggers.

  • Receptive: The receptive start occurs when the conversation is initiated by the contact, interacting directly with the WhatsApp number.

Management Panel

The Management Panel is an external tool to HubSpot that allows registered managers to have access to information about attendants, conversation management, campaigns, triggers, models, templates and general reports for efficient monitoring.


Managers are employees registered in the Management Panel who have access to all available features of the panel. They play an important role in real-time management and tracking of service-related activities.

Conversation handoff

Handoff refers to the way conversations are distributed among attendants. It can occur randomly, assigned by owner or be done manually. This functionality allows for an appropriate distribution of conversations to ensure efficient and balanced service among the team.

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